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Letters and cards sent by Shunryu Suzuki to Elsie Mitchell - 1964 - 1970

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Edited transcription

Thurs. Oct. 1, 1964

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell,

We had tea after the lecture last night. They were all delighted to hear that you are doing the very best job in the very best way and that I promised to visit Cambridge in near future.

I am very happy to know my joy at your place as their joy. Please say hello to Don.*

With gassho,

Rev. Shunryu Suzuki

* Don was the Mitchell's au pair at the time. He was a student at the Cambridge Music school who lived in the house, cooked, cleaned, and got to know her guests. He'd cook for them at their house on Cape Cod and for sesshins as well. He put himself through school cooking. Suzuki mentions him in a number of letters.

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