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photo by Robert Schilling DC Misc Index
11-24-13 - My
experience around Kennedy's assassination - from my almost finished
recollections of that year and the next. 11-20-13 - Ten days till we leave our apartment. Thirteen till we fly
off. Things to do. - dc 11-13-13 -
Opps. Forgot the deep significance of yesterday's date of 11-12-13 thus
missing out on the magical potential therein. - thanks MK 11-05-13 - Parents provide our first opportunity to express gratitude
and also to learn to forgive. - Kabumpkan 10-28-13 - Even if the world were to end today, we'd all continue - you
can't make Samsara go away. - Kabumpkan 10-26-13 - Howie Klein's photo of Katrinka and
me DC walking in the
Petaluma Corn
Maze yesterday with comments below. This is a great maze. Jim, the owner, cuts it out of the field each
year without a plan making pleasant curving paths with few dead ends. He's
an artist. This is one of my favorite diversions. As revealed in To
Find the Girl from
Perth, there is a way to walk right through a maze without going over
the same place twice - actually two ways. With this secret esoteric
knowledge walking through the maze becomes a meditation. We went through
both ways taking 24:10 minutes the first way and 19:50 the second. 10-17-13 - Yesterday made six months of doing Bikram Yoga every other
day or so - sometimes more, sometimes less. One of the founding teachers
led a sesshin the other day and said the purpose of doing yoga wasn't to
be in shape but to be able to stand in line without getting impatient. -
dc 9-26-13 -
Refuge - a Buddhist Film. Watched
this 2006 film for the first time last night and found that I was in it a
number of times. I remember wondering why John Halpern chose to interview
me and then later chastising myself for doing it thinking I don't know
anything. I'll have to fake it. I remember him setting up lights and
having a crew to film in my backyard in Sebastopol and instead of saying I
don't know trying to give answers to please him while he cheered me on
indicating with gestures when I was on a track he liked. Anyway, finally
saw it and it wasn't so bad and it was great seeing my dear departed Boxer
Lola. Everyone else in it is pretty prestigious. Good grief. 9-20-13 - The staff at apologizes for the recent brief posting of the home page for DC's music site, Defuser Music, in place of's home page. Both home pages are named "index" and a lowly intern on the 2nd floor is responsible. See photo of that intern here. 9-08-13 - DC high school in the news for something a bunch of guys did in my senior year there - 1963. I managed not to get arrested. - thanks to Fort Worth neighbor Tom Laker for sending this 8-20-13 - Thinking of Tiny homes - the Baba Yaga Hut 8-03-13 - On meeting Joshu Sasaki Roshi
click on thumbnail to enlarge 7-27-13 -
click on thumbnail to enlarge
7-26-13 - In Ely NV. Remembering where I've been this meandering home. Dinner with my fine Santa Fe hostess Melissa Savage and old Suzuki student friend Jonathan Altman. And when Daya then Dianne and I were at Glenwood Hot Springs where I was yesterday and their largest hot pool in the world. She and I were hidden in the steam rising into the cold January, 1973 air. I have always said that our son Kelly was conceived at Jonathan's Taos home. But maybe it was in the large pool at Glenwood Hot Springs. - dc 7-25-13 - Early morning light in Grand Junction, Colorado. Sounds of cars. From Aspen to Basalt the HOV diamond lane was on the right side for carpools and exiting. Never saw that before. Remembering fox playing with deer at Crestone Mt. ZC, looking at me and not running off, nibbling on leaves. Reminded of fox at Tassajara during break of first sesshin there in summer of 1967. I'd walked out to Grasshopper Flats, was standing under tree looking up at mountains and clouds. Then that fox came by, curled up at my feet and went to sleep. I continued to stand motionless. After a few minutes the fox got up and sauntered off. - posted in dc misc with a note to Tassajara Stories 7-24-13 - Leaving Crestone Mt. ZC today. Ryaku Fusatsu last night - the Japanese Soto Zen version of Wesak. Back home in Marin Saturday eve. On the way, Bikram in Basalt, hot sulfur water in Glenwood Springs giant pool, Grand Junction, Ely, Spencer Hot Springs off the road before Austin, NV, Bikram in Reno, Nevada City. That's an average of 5.5 hours of driving a day. Here we go. - dc 7-17-13 - Meandering back to the Bay Area. In the last few days have met with Zen folks in Norman, OK, and Albuquerque, NM, and done yoga in Amarillo on the way and now am in Santa Fe for a few days and have a bunch of old friends and one new one to see before Saturday morning meet with Zennies in Taos. Then to Crestone. Will provide details and links as time permits. Love, dc 7-12-13 - Off to Oklahoma at noon. Arrived here in Fort Worth on the 12th of December. Leaving on that date in July. After three days with almost brother Ward, wife Beth, youngest daughter Annie in Houston - a drive to Galveston, underwear in the gulf, oysters, bar-b-q, yoga at a Bikram, sitting at the Houston ZC with Gaelyn and sangha, Katrinka day before yesterday to DFW flew home, me to the downtown Fort Worth Club suite for two nights I couldn't afford without a special deal. This is where my parents met and where we often came for Sunday lunch and where mother Ahdel later met the piano player John Farley who was her sweetie for 17 years. When I was a kid, the, so I heard, richest man in America, Sid Richardson, ancestor of the Bass fortune, lived here at times. Mother's name on a plaque of long time members. The house is still Susan sister's and mine but it's being prepared for estate sale so I'm here with work spread out. Hand the last prepared stack for scanning to Warren in three hours then off to beat the Friday exodus north. Warren and I went over materials yesterday and watched from the eighth floor as hail pelted the streets then furious wind, deafening thunder, unexplained crashing sounds. Later driving to the house one last time to put labels on back of ancient family photos that read Estate of Ahdel Reich Chadwick Sending those heirlooms off to the highest bidder and the library rather than keep in a box for another bunch of decades. They're all scanned. Bye for now hometown. 7-08-13 - Goodbye dear Fort Worth home and good neighbors. Not a thing left there we want though I had to go back in to get the iPhone charger (thanks Katrinka). Now the estate sale lady takes over. Susan's back home in Oakland. Katrinka and I are in Houston visiting Ward. The 50th HS reunion a month ago was well-timed. It's been a good seven months there - including Ahdel's passing. But now it's time to move on. To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the sun. A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill and a time to heal ... a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance ... a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to lose and a time to seek; a time to rend and a time to sew; a time to keep silent and a time to speak; a time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace. ecclesiastes 3:1-8 7-07-13 - It's ten thirty in the morning. Three hours before we're outa here. Then off to yoga and to Houston for a few days. Then back to the Bay Area, dropping Katrinka off at DFW on the way, then Norman, OK City, Santa Fe, Taos, Crestone, and west. 6-29-13 - Finished scanning all the documents brought to Fort Worth yesterday - Cucumber Project, personal stuff - except for a few set aside for expert scanner Warren Lynn to do later (like SFZC board notes during Shunryu's life). Leaving him the scanner and my old Netbook so he can continue this noble work. Nine days to go. Must concentrate on what's to be done before we leave town. - dc 6-25-13 - Actually, counting today it's 13 days to go. Spent yesterday afternoon at the TCU Bookstore because the new buyer was at the house with his realtor, architect, and contractor. Got back at eight after zazen at Brite Divinity School, part of TCU. Sat on the swing on the back porch for a while. It's one of my power spots there - the other's the front porch. Must be a giant crystal buried deep below. There's a parallel between this experience and the one with mother Ahdel while she was fading. But now, it's the house that's in hospice, soon to pass on to its next bardo. Again, I'm here day in and out and my sister comes when she can get away from the law firm she runs in San Francisco. Again, the house is nobly slipping away. Good memories but time to go. Back to work. 6-24-13 - 13 days to go in the Fort Worth home - scanning home and Crooked Cucumber Archvies material continues along with going through things, trying to leave as much as possible for estate sale which isn't just for furniture. Woman who's doing it says don't throw away anything, that people will buy half empty shampoo bottles. Sister arrives Saturday, Katrinka Sunday, niece Camille on the 4th of July, getting two small shipments off on the 5th. We all leave on the 7th. Estate sale prep begins on the 8th and estate sale for a few days maybe on the 19th through 21st. Home turned over on the 31st to new owner but have no plans to be around then. What I'm taking can fit in mother's car, a 99 Camry which had 27,000 miles on it when I got here in December. Has more like 32,000 now. I like not having a car but I'll hang on to it till the smoke settles. Back to the grind. 6-21-13 - 16 days to go in Fort Worth home. Work continues going through things, leaving almost all for estate sale, scanning some material, calling the local historical society about turning over some of it - photos, letters, memorabilia going back 150 years. Will take some of course. Working with friend Warren also on scanning mothers' music and poems etc, backlog of Crooked Cucumber archive material (which is being posted little by little), and scanning my notebooks and loose sheets of songs written through the years (See Defuser Music dot Com). Extending the life of all this material a little bit longer - till it dissolves with all other phenomenal detritus. - dc 6-15-13 - Missed the iPhone 5 workshop this morning. Got the time wrong. Should have written it down. Got here at 10am when it was over. Told Kabumpkan that rather than regret this I'd feed it to the reminder to write things down. He said, "Go on and regret, just regret that you don't know who you are. Feed this to that rather than try to improve yourself." "Can't I do both?" I wondered. "Sure," he said. "And try juggling at the same time." 6-11-13 - The prior weekend's 50th HS reunion was fun and touching. But where did all the old folks come from? Here's a link page for it. 6-07-13 - One month to go in Fort Worth if all goes according to plan. Must concentrate on being ready to leave the house behind then and on finishing the mountain of Crooked Cucumber material there is to scan. Thus, only simple posts that aren't time consuming to prepare like yesterday's Schneider cuke page and the cilantro thoughts and even this. And there's other boring personal stuff... such as walking, yoga, and the 50th reunion of my 1963 Paschal HS class this weekend. Barbeque dinner at Angelos tonight. Health dept. made them take the sawdust off the floor, but the standing bear is still there as you enter. Better get a hair cut. I like the place with nice young women who don't speak English. One era hits half a century, another begins. Broke down, overwhelmed by the converted, yesterday was my first day with a smart phone, iPhone 5 which I vow only to serve cuke and the Crooked Cucumber Archives. Pray for me. - dc 6-06-13 - Study shows Cilantro aversion linked to genes and this made me remember Jeanie Welch Campbell, Dan's sister who, in 1966, took me to Sam Wo's, a tiny, dumpy restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown. One entered off the street into the kitchen and up narrow stairs to a couple of floors with a few tables. She ordered me a dish that had lots of cilantro on it and said it tasted like Ivory Soap Flakes. That night I met Edsel Ford Fong, the notorious waiter who specialized in customer intimidation. Sometimes when I'd return there he'd refuse to let me order what I wanted and would instead bring me what he wanted me to eat. In later years I'd get him to drop his act a little and bring out his scrapbook of celebrities he'd served. So much more occurs to me - bringing Niels and Uncle Walt from Akron there with a couple of his salesmen. Niels was cussing like the sailor he was and Walt told me, "I see you've still got diarrhea of the mouth." We did have a great time. And would type more about dear departed Jeannie - but not now. Much to do. - dc 5-28-13 - Oldest veteran story - 107 - wow - look at how he planned to spend the day yesterday and to what he attributes his healthy old age. Reminds me of the Okinawa woman a while back who, as I recall, was Guinness oldest person at 117 who drank shochu and smoked strong Peace cigarettes. Look at this list of oldest ever and some of their habits. Oh well. It's too late for me. I'm addicted to not doing those things and can't quit. - dc 5-26-13 - Revised the story of how Music for a Comic Book Video came about. 5-25-13 - Fire Ants and a Dime 5-24-13 - Say hi! Yesterday at the tea shop someone said hi to some little kids and their father said, "Say hi!" and the kids said hi. I hear that a lot. It reminds me of Halloween in Sebastopol. I lived in a neighborhood where people would come from other neighborhoods so there would be hundreds of kids. I'd sit on the front porch with a bowl of chocolates and tell them "Take two." They'd take it and then, almost without exception, a parent would say, "Say thank you!" and the kid would say thank you. At times like this I sometimes wish A.S. Neil, the founder of the Summerhill school in England, had had more influence. Later at the tea shop someone said hi to a baby in a woman's arms and she said to the baby, "Say hi!" That was a more hopeless level of futility, I thought. I say hi to dogs. I swear that in this month of May I've noticed that when I say hi to dogs - and they're all on leashes being walked on the neighborhood pathways - when I say hi to these dogs, the owners - and this has happened a half dozen times - the owners look down at the dogs and say, "Say hi!" 5-21-13 -Cruel and Usual Tax collection including a link to a song by DC on the subject. 5-19-13 - A new page for the misc. The last one, now DC Misc 2, was getting too long. The first one, DC Misc 1, formerly Dchad Misc, is links to posts with their own page. So here goes. Yoga Update Kelly didn't like Bikram Yoga because the leader talks all the time. He said he went three times and they did it every time. That's right. That's what it is. It's constant instruction, reminders, encouragement, pushing, like a marine sergeant in a movie except they're not abusive, like a whip that doesn't sting. Maybe it's erasing my memory. I forget to bring things to yoga and forget to get them when I leave. The other day left my mat there then thought I'd left it at home and rented one. Later when I realized I'd lost it, probably left it there, told them it was blue green. It was purple - the towel to lay over it is blue green. Then I forgot the towel to lay over it but it was just in the car. Today left my hand towel in the room, got it before taking a shower, forgot to bring underwear and a shirt and couldn't go home for a couple of hours due to it being shown. The underwear's no big deal. There was no shirt in their lost and found. Washed my sweat drenched tee shirt and wore it wet. Walking out realized I'ze barefoot. Went back to get my sandals and saw my shower towel on the floor. Need a method to remember like at home. At home I have the Ps - phone, peepers, pen, paper, purse (wallet), periphery (belt), paraphernalia (anything else). Meanwhile the wet tee shirt was pleasing in the 90 degree heat. Sat at a table outside the tea shop drying. Fancied myself a trendsetter. This could be a new style. I envision a tee shirt with hydrating tubes and a little tank worn at the belt.
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