The creek was pretty much fished out by the
mid thirties so this promotional item is likely from before then.

June 1890

from the Daily Evening Owl May 1896
Official Souvenir of the 34th encampment G.A.R. Pacific Grove 1901

Field Notes - Lou G. Hare Monterey County Surveyor
Tassajara-Piney Creek Survey 1904

Brochure 1905 (thanks to Robert Beck)

post card 1915

the above not from Marilyn's scrapbook

San Francisco Chronicle January 19, 1930

Salinas Californian
December 16, 1954
Below are adds placed by the Becks who bought Tassajara in January

Below are results of tests on the water from the
hot springs done

Map of Tassajara Hot Springs made in 1983
1. Early Club
House- 1983 Dining Room
2. Stone Bath House- 1983 Guest Rooms
3. Early Dining Room- 1983 Office and Zendo Ruins
4. Hot Springs
5. Plunges
6. Steam Room
7. Magnesium Spring
8. Hotel Location- 1983 Zendo
9. Cabins
10. Swimming Pool
11. Early Bowling Alley
12. Barn
Between 10 and 12
is the Lower Barn. Don't know how old it or the barn
are. - dc |