Tai (Larry) Sheridan
Cuke Podcast with Tai 🔊 Tai Sheridan dot com - with a list of books and quotes from reviews - brief descriptions below also On Shunryu Suzuki -from the journal Return to Silence: 40 Contemplations *** Below are notes received from Tai July 2015: I remember sawing wood with you at Tassajara in 71. I lived in Europe in 68. read Herrigel and DT Suzuki, thought the Zen folks really knew something. Showed up at Zen Center in fall 69, where a young monk (Bill Kwong) in black robes came into Buddha Hall and showed me how to sit, then left me alone for a very confusing long half hour. He came back, told me a story that amounted to not being greedy or envious, then said there was a guy named Mel in Berkeley. Spent my time in the old Berkeley Zendo in the upstairs attic every day and was part of the Berkeley gang in late sixties early seventies. We went to Sesshins in SF with Suzuki Roshi. Then headed to Tassajara after I put in my two years...Tatsugami. So, probably a few years after you were there. Glad you keep the archives, a great gift to the world. I'm living in an airstream for a year off, Point Reyes and Pacific Northwest. Ride a Vespa and motorcycle, like the wind, movement, open road, intimacy with nature. Visiting and caring for my four kids. Mostly chilling and transitioning into whatever is next, new place to live, maybe live with girlfriend of three years, Melissa, enjoying mountains, forests, beaches. A few rain drops here and a cloudy sky, most welcome in this strange heat wave we are having. ******* His books - at Amazon: Tai has kindly made these books available in the EPUB format which can be read with many freely available apps for computers, tablets and phones. He has requested that donations be given to Cuke Archives if you download the books from these links:
Buddha in Blue Jeans Series are contemplations I wrote expressing zen practice and living, and Buddhist thought. Buddha in Blue Jeans: The importance and benefit of sitting quietly Zen Prayers for Repairing Your Life: Reflections on themes of integrity, unity, wholeness, insight. Relax Your Going to Die: Contemplations on Living and Dying Secrets of True Happiness: A Spiritual approach to deep contentment
A One Hour Short and Sweet Zen Retreat: Five ways of
mindful focus The Zen writings on Dogen and others: Rice Eyes: Enlightenment in Dogen's Kitchen: A poetic rendering of Instructions to the Cook. Warm Zen Practice: A poetic rendering of Dogen's Bendowa and the whole hearted way. Snow Falling in Moonlight: Poetic renderings of twelve of Dogen's essential works in Shobogenzo. The Light of the Ancient Buddhas: Ballads of Emptiness and Awakening: Poetic renderings of half of Keizan's Transmission of the Light, with emphasis on the essence of each teacher and teaching. Buddhist Works from the 1st - 16th Century The Buddhacarita: A Modern Sequel: A transformation from English linguistic translations of the original mythic story of Siddhartha into thirteen chapters of verse about Buddha's search for reality. Celestial Music: Sutras of Emptiness: Renderings of the Diamond, Heart-Wisdom, Loving Kindness, and Lotus Sutra. The Lotus Sutra is an original work that expresses the essential teachings of the entire sutra in an accessible way. The Zen Wheel of Life Mantra: A Song of Luminous Wisdom and Love: A poetic presentation of the Wheel of Life taken from the classic Tibetan and Buddhist teachings which expresses the four circles of practice-awakening. The Bare Bones Dhammapada: Big Mind Big Love: A terse poetic rendering of the essential wisdom of Buddha's teachings. |
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