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Some Tassajara Historical Documents
mainly from Marilyn McDonald's collection
Tassajara History - Historic Tassajara Photos
Some pre ZC Photos & ZC era Photos from Marilyn's book

for many more, get A Brief History of Tassajara, by Marilyn McDonald


The creek was pretty much fished out by the mid thirties so this promotional item is likely from before then.


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Hon terey Bay 
I Valley RORd 
J sburg 
Taggaj ara 
. Greenf 
YO SCC O Creek 
r s INGS 
P Ocean 
Saa Antonio 
Dotted Indicates 
approx I—Ce


June 1890



from the Daily Evening Owl May 1896


Official Souvenir of the 34th encampment G.A.R. Pacific Grove 1901




Field Notes - Lou G.  Hare Monterey County Surveyor Tassajara-Piney Creek Survey 1904



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O meet the public demand 'pr information cotu.ern;ng the marvel. 
ous Springs. this 'older is issued- A hand. 
some illustrated Tamphlet descriptive of the Springs is now being 
epared. ne are in the heart of the Santa Lucia Forest 
Keserve Montere County. near the head waters of the Carmel 
River. The road up the Carmel River from Monterey to the 
leaves Salinas every Monday. Wednesday and 
Frida morning. landing passengers at the Springs in the afternoon of the same day. 
he Sprin are eighteen in number. and vary from cold to in tem ature. 
The late Cr. Canfield. of Monterey. was a enthusiast over the rings. and 
a regular Of the Institute Of for. 
wa ed waters from the different s 'n s for analysis. The Inst;tute reported that the 
Tussaiara were the most remarkabtn Waters ever submitted for analysis. and 
to any mineral springs then known. 
quantity Of water is practically and to supply the wants Of 
Sprin burst from the mountain and pour 
into the Arroyo Seeo A beautiful waterfall of three hundred feet furnishes non- 
mineral eure mountain water for domestic use. The Arroyo Seco is a large mountain 
stream abounding with fish. A large t;me quarry is on the ground. The owner of the 
Springs burns lime for building. while an inexhaustible sandstone quarry furnishes the 
stone. The hotel, hou.e». hot water tank' and unge bath' are all built stone. 
Waters are a Stomac kidney. and rheumatic 
and a specific ior all cutaneous diseases. Nervous trouble Of all kinds is cured by 
the Of these Waters. 
The most remarkable feature OE the Springs is the Radio Vapor Thermal Batb Over 
a boiling' mineral spring. which affords a luxurious and exhilarating bath. 
A two-story sandstone Hotel furnishes first-class accommodations. Hunting in 
the *boring mountains is good. and four e streams furnish unexcelled fish. 
above the ocean level. Those who have visited the famous springs and watering places 
s. in Com. 
. and mountain 
Surpass them 
The limited space of this folder not permit the publishing the cures erected 
these Waters. It is to Sa that all Visited the 
S have been more than safi'sZd. The charges at the Springs are $ 1211) to 
sff*per week for boarders. and each per week for campers. which includes use 
01 baths. Waters. can purchase at the Each 
should bring his own sweat blanket. 
The stage fare to the springs is $400. 
leaves Salinas Monday. Wednesda 
a Friday Everything is d 
in a neat. plain manner—no 
you are sick in body, here you will find a cure: if worn and weary in min . here a 
and For pamphlets or further information. ad dress. 


Brochure 1905 (thanks to Robert Beck)




post card 1915



the above not from Marilyn's scrapbook


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 The San Francisco Chronicle January 19, 1930



  Salinas Californian December 16, 1954



Below are adds placed by the Becks who bought Tassajara in January 1960






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Horse Pasture 


Below are results of tests on the water from the hot springs done






Map of Tassajara Hot Springs made in 1983

1. Early Club House- 1983 Dining Room
2. Stone Bath House- 1983 Guest Rooms
3. Early Dining Room- 1983 Office and Zendo Ruins
4. Hot Springs
5. Plunges
6. Steam Room
7. Magnesium Spring
8. Hotel Location- 1983 Zendo
9. Cabins
10. Swimming Pool
11. Early Bowling Alley
12. Barn

Between 10 and 12 is the Lower Barn. Don't know how old it or the barn are. - dc