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Shunryu Suzuki and points of interest
in early SFZC Board Notes
with link to PDF of source and some brief notes on some made in 2013 on this page: SFZC board notes by meeting and year
1962-3 - 1964 - 1965 - 1966 - 1969 - 1970 (and one in mid Dec. from 1971)





70-01-02 - Suzuki comments on how to use upstairs and downstairs rooms at new building (which is not what happened) and on oryoki (which was not to be used as much as the thought it would be outside of Tassajara). I see my name mentioned about something I don't recall. $50 donations to Peggy (Jiyu) Kennet's group and Blue Mt. Meditation Center (had no idea about this). Super low amounts to charge for coming summer's Tassajara guest season and for people's stipends. Other details.


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Beeting Of the Board Of Directors Chief Prieat Of Zen Center, a COQoraEiOn 
January å,• 
presenti Sensei, Richard Baker, Weieb, 
Dglenberg, Silas HåaUéy; Kwong, Peter Schneider, Rand, 


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550 mea 
50 mea 
650 mia 
Xo.hi.mura 550 
Silas 550 nea 
Yvonne 550 
25. ping expenses 
'laude 757 
T*.m 159 vhüe vorklng o' 
the Winoell


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9) It alright f"5r to organize a benefit and role eonoort 
for TuøaJara. 
XO) Jad Weller Can müe a bmk3tore and be librariau; '*ith 
board Beholarghip 
11) 30 add. fee to help vith T8tsugen1 Roøhiis 
absorb 1500 ZC general the 
12 There a nev Priest eminz Araklsok 
We vili pr"ide Blue Croøe for staff priests 
For Lou Musto, Marlan Derby, El Hazelwood( go off scholarahlp) 
Pat Isag get ana 50 per mouth 
ve leave Other ehoieea up to d18gressiOn Of Officers as Dec. 
15) will lend a truer aaå driver to David Chadwick baa Walter Wilson fdr 
one day to elean up In >bnterey,





70-02-15- Yoshida Roshi (not Yoshita) coming - female priest from Japan who taught us how to sew okesa and rakusu, the vestments signifying ordination.  She had studied with Hashimoto who Katagiri studied with. It was that lineage, not Suzuki's that this sewing came from.

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uour•a oz of 
Corporation woLc 
c Druary 
Dalenberc, , 
Chicl r it st of Center 
Suzuki ...oshi, J•.oshi, Gilas _ .o,yd Icy 
x•cccr Schneider, .;elch 
: .and. 
ecnse -via s present for thc second day of 



2-16 in Carmel


70-02-16 - Statements by Sotan Tatsugami and Shunryu Suzuki on establishing Buddhism in the West.


Tatsugami statement


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Eat sugami Roshi— 
L enjoy everyone, seeds, of enthusiasm to practice zazen. 
. Lakes 
happy. u.nthusiaSLn of course is best thing to make me happy. L always 
mention before that you do best not to sit on the chair of such enthu— 
siastic zazen. want to teach Dogen's practice to spur your practice. 
'Ehere may be various people whose curiousity impels them to practice 
zazen at L'assajara. IQe have to be thinking of various kinds of people, 
different race of human being, with various thoughts. 
is best 
mose important basis to establish way of practice of Len Euddhis,n at 
las sajara. 
We Will have to strive for establishing 'iassajara Zen 
rionastery so as not to be tossed by various different types of human 
beings, different types of thought At present our effort should 
be directed to make a fundamental foundation of way of I'assajara Zen 
,åona stery. 
Lt may be easier the amount of spirit of oriental people handing down 
Buddhism from India through China to Japan. They understand Buddhis-n 
and spread it to the people but Che question is how the European people, 
and particularly American people accept the spirit of Buddhis,n. 
if they understand Buddhism properly. Luportant Co do that and to 
spread buddhism to American people. 
L a.m wondering— it may be a kind 
of danger to understand quickly the meaning of Euddhism. i•.ow do Ameri- 
can people understand Buddhism properly. Through thig experience they 
have to make up their own culture and the bpi rit of Buddhis:n they have 
understood— under the best conditions . 
according to Dogen s uuddhis:a 
— if you understand Dozen's Luddhism as a kind of thought - not inportant 
to understand Buddhism. Dogents buddhism is a vital aspect of human 
life, extended into daily life. zuddhism in daily life is specific 
character of Dogen s Buddhism. 
Spirit of one's Buddhist life - minute, careful way of Buddhism. 
Ihe way of scrupulous practice is not something to imagine as a 
substantial concept which exists in our daily Life. 
Aay is how to 
spread practice in minute detau into every step of our daily Lifc. 
How do America I people understand this point in their daily life. 
America is greatly free. So hope the American Buddhism will develop 
on the basis of the spirit of freedom in the United States. ;Vhat 
L want to tell you is how to make this progress in Buddhism, how to 
make progress at the present.


 Suzuki statement:

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Suzuki koshbi 
His ( Tat sugami) point: 
it was easy for Japanese and Chinese to under— 
stand Buddhism because of similar culture, Language, and backgrotmd. 
For Buddhism co cross the Pacific is not so easy. because it is 
difficult, if we could understand Buddhism— the meaning will be greater. 
At the same tiz-ne we will have a greater diff icuLcy than the Chinese 
or Japanese to understand Buddhism. He doesn't give up because he 
acknowledges our sincerity in studying Buddhism. We will not give up. 
He feels quite sure about what we, as Americans, will understand of 
E5uddhism—— but not so easy. 
L have the same feeling. The more I stay here the more I see how 
difficult it is to understand "right understanding of Buddhig-,.nt'.— for 
you a great difficulty to accept i C. Dogen's teaching. 
It it is 
coo difficult then you may give up and Cake easy way. Then you will 
not understand real thruth of Buddhism. 
Dogen•s teaching — making best effort in each mo:aent, express your spirit 
in each moment and take care of thinös in each moment — point of Dogen' s 
way. Not to achieve something m•nediately- noc co be a kind of perfec- 
tionist. + If we do it whac we do must be perfect" is not Dogen•s way. 
have to express Dogen•s way. And this point can be easily lost. 
If buddhism doesn't taste so good — we will want ice cream or wine.


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Dogen1S way appreciate ice cream if it is given to us 
— whether 
we feel good or bad. 
k'lake best effort and take care of everything as much as possible andbe 
satisfied with what is given co us. 
plhy Tatsugami Roshi is so strict with instruction has to do with making 
best effort. Looks like Docents teaching was to give instruction in 
great complicated detail— not Dogen's way. {IOW we can tnake best eff0EC 
in each moment i. s Dogen's teaching— nature of his teaching is in 
everyday Life. — not verbal teaching, not even in Shobogehzo. i-Lis 
kindness in making effort in everyday Life is why he wrote so much. 
His instructions may be not for American people — but for Japanese people 
whose culture he knew so well. Understand his intention in giving 
his instructions. He acted as a priest and as a Japanese. 
Maybe very difficult practice for you — way of treating things is 
quite different. Japanese things are very fragile. American things 
are very strong. So training of Dogen was given, developed Buddhis„n. 
( Which came first Dogen or Japanese Culture?) 
Way of treating things as Japanese people do 
— feel almost desperate. 
If you give up though Buddhism will not develop in this country. Lut 
if Buddhism does develop here something great will happen i_n America. 
Giving some new element which you didn't have. 
— something maybe 
if so 
wonderful will happen. 
Students from Esalen who stayed at Tassajara for one week — described 
the experience they had — oryoki etc.— 
I was amazed. maybe not so 
170r you, give up peripheral idea, practice hard. — then 
some big event happen. 
a zuatter of translating Shobogenzo.— 
how to hit han, how to sit zazen. 
latsugami will help us— continue with his guidance. 
latsugami says he should explain why we do this. eoint will be how 
you understand his instruction. ilelve got to f ind out real practice 
in everyday practice otherwise zazen doesn't mean anything. 11 
just end up with a zazen boom. 
Peter is Sitting with one leg down on altar. That is real merxni.eeuno— 
Iæfu, • 
How to take care of his zazen. How we express Dogen•s spirit 
is the point. 
For you no danger of being caught by form. In Japan easy to follow 
Dogents foma. So if someone is living without effort that'S not the 
spirit of Dogen•s way, spirit of Buddhism. i"iaking best effort is the 




70-04-4,5 - Donnie Crockin (Don Deangelo) bread shop out of City Center. Ed Brown's cook book - Tass. Bread Book? discussion - if he latter, don't have the Shambhala contract yet but it came out that year. Room and board for City Center $90 a month, dorm charge $2.50 a night.


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y4) Roko Chi ji positions are, according to Roshi, not necessarily 
scho Larship positione 
'Ehey provide an opportunity for practice , 
a training function, purely.


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14) Robes— Zen Center will honor as an expense account iCetn for Roshi 
—to be paid by Zen Center— robes for his students whom he will ordain.


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19) Roshi will decide about exchange students from Japan.





70-05-20,21 -  - Ralph Silver and crew go to Tassajara to film segment for film, Sunseed (now on in film section). Rohmer's film didn't happen. Wonder if they have any footage? Beck's cabin didn't happen. Don't think Santa Barbara house happened. Dana Fraser didn't go to Tassajara to translate for Tatsugami. Other little stuff did happen.


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Reso lucions : 
I) Ralph Silver and Robert Franck and filming crew will go to 'i'assajara 
on June 1—3, pay $2.50 per day and follow the student schedule as much 
as possible, t:o do fil:ning during the work schedule. 
2) Harriet and Bret Rohmer— also interested in doing film on Zen 
Mountain Center, can come as work students Sunday through 
Friday to sce Tassajara. 
We '11 see their fikns somettr•.e within t:he 
next 2 weeks Arrange for f later. 
3) With respect to the issue of where to locate the cabin for the Becl 's 
we will arrange a meeting with Beck and their lawyer and Dick Laker 
while Dick is here Chis coming week.


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eligibility for Zen nountain Center is to remain at general me:nbership 
for at least 3 months. 
6) Fall Practice Feriod 
Tangaryo studenCC are to arrive September 28th by noon. 
Tangaryo starts September 29th. 
October 4th Day off 
Students not sitting tangaryo this tine Whould arrive October 3rd. 
Octo ber 5th one day sesshin to open the Fracticc Period. 
December 15th end of Fractßice eeriod 
we want to leave open the question of having faxailies with children 
for the Practice Period until we have all of the applications for 
Chat period in hand. 
Deadline for applications will be July 1st. 
7) All students going to Zen Äountain Center must arrive by noon of the 
day on Which they are expected. 
8) Next: Board Neeting Will be held on July 8th and 9th in San Francisco 
with Paul Discoe as chaimnan pro te:n. 
9) Zen Center students on returning to Page Street will be 
given 30 days notice with respect to fees due for residency. They 
but all residents (pemnanent) must 
may stay in the dorm for 3C days. , 
be co pay their rent on 
Che doma debt must: be paid within 3 months of the beginning date of stay





70-07-22,23 - Couples don't need to use same name, just need permission from Suzuki or Katagiri to live together. $5,000 for building improvements City Center. New days they allocate 20 or 30 times that much for a study. Dan Welch to be next board meeting chair. [These days Dan is back in Santa Fe planning on opening a small independent zendo].


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k) Jim Wardiauj a frtenö Is at TassaJara- He 
ay at'.. a Btuaent, and Röshi wants ••acpept


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WIC h 
fitioerg and Pétgr .







71-12-17  - The first meeting after Shunryu Suzuki died. Baker and Katagiri are now being called roshi. Don't think Shunryu Suzuki's picture is used on altars in zendos as planned at this meeting. Maybe it was for a while. Katagiri did preside over the 1972 winter-spring practice period as he had the prior fall-winter one but none after that.

These are the last board and meeting notes in this series. It's the only one for 1971 and there were clearly some missing from earlier years. Made copies about twenty years ago in the records storage room at the City Center of the SFZC. These are the only ones that were found there.

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will have a foundLrs —:æidundo— 
i7iLL a 
carcfuLLy done copy of Lob 
done to put in x assajara zcndo . 
at Zen Center/ * Street. 
picture of Suzuki-roshi


1962-3 - 1964 - 1965 - 1966 - 1969 - 1970 (and one in mid Dec. from 1971)